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Welcome to the Austin Hills Swim League!

The Austin Hills Swim League includes 5 Austin-area recreational summer swim teams. These teams are bound by the single purpose of providing a fun, rewarding experience for all of our swimmers.

The AHSL strives to live first and foremost by the League's Statement of Purpose, as found in the League's bylaws:

The Austin Hills Swim League . . .shall organize swimming competition for the benefit of the young swimmer involved. It shall maintain a summer league program of competitive swimming that shall be designed to allow the participating children learn how to best seek the personal rewards offered by participating in the sport; to challenge themselves, measure growth of their strengths, and know the satisfaction of accomplishment without having been subjected to destructive pressures; to learn how to think and act in a sportsmanlike fashion; and to belong to a team and enjoy the experience of competitive swimming.

In other words, we recognize that this League exists solely for the betterment of the children who participate in it, and that consideration is our foremost concern in conducting all League business.

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