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Ribbons Role

Per League Bylaws -

The Ribbons chairperson will order and distribute ribbons to all clubs.

Detailed Info -

  1. Download previous year's spreadsheet (from below) and rename for new season
  2. Input returned ribbon counts into the spreadsheet. (Each team is responsible for ensuring their returned ribbon count is correct.  The league does NOT re-count any returned ribbons.)
  3. Go to storage unit and verify the "spare" inventory and update in spreadsheet.
  4. Update meet count information for each team
  5. Place order (through Jessica) by early March
    1. Ribbons & Medals are ordered from https://www.aaaaward.com
  6. Inform storage unit of delivery date
  7. Count out new ribbons for each team, using the detailed table on the spreadsheet, into the team bins. It's best to put the new ribbons in the bins in a trash bag. No need to touch each teams existing ribbons. Notify teams when bins are ready
  8. Upload final spreadsheet for record keeping purposes.
  9. End of season, collect returned ribbon counts and encourage all teams to return their ribbon buckets to the storage unit.
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